Monday, January 12, 2009

Expect Something New

I've always had a hard time getting up and having time with God in the morning.  I don't know why because every time I do I end up having a better day, and I feeling closer to God.   Lately I feel like this has been on my heart.  The other day I was running out of the apartment and I was feeling the tug of God on my heart asking why I wasn't making time for him.  So I reached for my daily devotional and this is what I found....

I can't ignore that.  I think God just called me out.  Tomorrow He will be first. 

Just to make His point clear, this was one of our verses at bible study tonight... 
Except I might be a little rebellious, and even jealous of my time in the morning. But it's not my time ... its His.  I pray that He will help me make Him first in my day!


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