Sunday, July 19, 2009

Awesome Sermon

I wanted to post a link to the sermon that JD Greear gave this morning.  It was one of the my favorites thus far.  Enjoy

Friday, July 17, 2009

Summer Pictures.  Click HERE

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Churches, cakes and weight loss

Hello world...

Ok so I suck at blogging, and I'm learning to accept it, but I thought I'd do a little update on what's going on in my life and what God's been teaching me. 

1. First off, I'm almost done with summer school!!!!! One week left.  We've been going straight since early Jan with no more than a day off.  Its been crazy.  I've done two clinical rotations this spring one with kids and one with boring adults :)   I've definitely learned a lot!

2. Weight watchers is going great!  To date I've lost 36lbs!!!!!  I'm so excited that something is finally working and its given me a lot of opportunity to talk to other people struggling with their weight and try to help them out.   If anyone wants to talk to me about it, I would love to chat.  Below you can see some before and after pics.  Yuck, I almost can't believe I'm posting the first one.  This was from my birthday this year (Feb), and I can't believe how chunk-a-licious I look.  Anyways, thats my cute boyfriend...  I love him. 

3. I've moved home.  While this may cause a lot of 20-somethings a lot of stress, I am really excited to be close to my family ( I love them, what can I say!)  I should be here for about a year, and hopefully getting a place of my own once I graduate and get a real person job!

4.  I have started going to a new church, The Summit, in Brier Creek.  I really love it!  At first I was worried about it being a "new age" Christian church that strives to be cool and tried to conform to today's society, but it is really solid.  Even in the past 6 weeks or so I feel like I've grown a lot in my faith.  Last weekend I was able to serve at a free medical clinic through the church and met a lot of cool people.  It was great to actually get out there and serve again.  Its something that I haven't done much of in the past couple of years (my own fault) but I've really missed it.   Hopefully I will start the new member's class next month.  I want to do some more praying about staying here.  I don't want to do too much "church dating" I want to commit!

5. Picture Break.  Kim and I have made some pretty rockin' cakes lately.  Here you go... 

Crab Cake for Stephanie's Birthday

Mahi Mahi cake for father's day 

6.  I'm doing the wedding photography for my friend Sara and Jon's big day on Aug. 8th.  I'm really excited, and I will definitely post pictures as soon as I can.  I've been doing some other photography stuff here and there.  If anyone wants some inexpensive family pics let me know.  I'm always game to build my portfolio!

C'est tout pour maintain